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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When Life Happens......

FACT IS: somemetimes you find yourself being the instrument;

Instrument by definition is "A means by which something is done; an agency ( I have to take a pause on that and accept the fact that its possible to not know the true meaning of something as mundane as the term instrument. As I come out of this pause, I gather and organize the thoughts in my head which are perpetuated by that statement.

Looking back at it all, there are many points in my life where I feel like I was an instrument. I have been a pivotal element in many things (by no means is this to toot my own horn) be it relationships, sports, parenting, so on and so forth. I've lost companions because I did not take the time to be as supportive as I could be, as honest as I could be; as valuable as I could be. In parenting, I've had to learn on fly. unfortunate as it may seem its true. Incorporating some elements learned from my mom, while imagining what a father could and should do.

It took for some grave things to happen in my life time for me to be confronted with the importance of "knowing my worth" I find myself overwhelmed now, or should I say consumed with the task. I hear so often, " I wont settle for less, or Im not taking no shorts" What does that actually mean? See I feel as though the people whom have uttered it only tip the iceberg with their doctrines, forgetting to delve deeper. So many people consider settling for less as a challenge to others rather than a challenge to themself. To truly not settle for less or not take any shorts you must start from within. I believe that every person gets what their hand calls for. To me hardwork will bring all that I am truly destine to have.

I carry that with me daily, hourly, and at all other times that you can think of. Its self-preservation; its self-inventory; its self-respect. Congruently its respect for others. My acceptance of my self-worth has forced me to evaluate the worth of others, and where i find it necessary- bridge any and all gaps. This is not a tall order to me, "difficult takes a day, impossible takes weeks."

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