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Tuesday, September 3, 2013



From guiding the visions and growth of others to investing in her own personal advancement, Shari Barnes has always displayed an innate ability to thrive in business, understanding supply, demand and marketability. Putting aside, in a sense, her PR initiatives the sister is now engulfed in the building of her August Nectar Empire. Learn, if you will, more about the brand and its plans for becoming a household name in the very immediate future. To all the August Nectars of the world, this is for you goddess !

Basquiat:  where did the concept for August Nectar come from? title ?


Shari B: Honestly, God!! I've always loved loved loved jewelry and accessories! I knew that I wanted to have a boutique, however, I could not decide on a name! One night as I was laying down thinking of different options, I thought how could I make this a bit more personal. My birthday is August 24th and not only is August the 8th month, but it also means "Majestic; Royal; of Supreme Dignity." Okay, Cool! Nectar was a favorite consumption of the Gods and it is just sweet sweet Heaven! August Nectar- a Royal Favorite Consumption of The Gods! Sweet Treats for the World! Perfect!
Basquiat: Ultimately what is the goal or objective for August Nectar? what are the elements of the brand that will resonate with its target demographic?

Shari B: August Nectars' goal is to empower our very important consumers with amazing accessories and fabulous fashions at incredible prices! I'm bringing consumers a variety of ecclectic accessories that are being showcased around the globe. Many of my pieces are named after my loved ones or someone that the piece reminds me of! That's been a really fun process! Luxury is a state of mind and when I wear August Nectar I feel like the Queen that I am! We are Heaven , We are ROYALTY! August Nectar is a great way for you to be creative in showing the world who you are without having to say a word!
More importantly, August Nectar is one of my passions. I am literally in the vortex manifesting my dream- it has become a reality! That has been the most powerful message that I want to get out! August Nectar is a physical manifestation of my thoughts and dreams! A few months ago I met another beautiful young woman and while I was in the middle of starting my business, I was able to help her start her own business! I want to inspire and encourage others to LIVE THEIR DREAMS!

I'm also going to be offering internships to provide college and high school students the opportunity to learn about entrepeuneurship and fashion! I'm working on creating an organization that focuses on youth and women empowerment!!

Basquiat: Tell us a little bit about the transition from PR to entrepeneurship and delving into the fashion sector of industry?

Shari: Whooaaa!! I've always admired entrepreneurs but since I've started August Nectar my respect and admiration has grown tremendously!!!! It takes a lot of consistency, dedication and capital to start a business! In that regards PR and entrepeneurship go hand in hand. You have to be knowledgable of your game, do what's best for the consumer and stay on top of your game! Fashion is Fun! To get into the different colors and textures is very intoxicating. I'm researching everything from the Egptians to Fall 2015 Parisian Fashion! Fashion knows no limit and that is what August Nectar embodies. It feels amazing being on this end! Just a year ago, I was reaching out to clients to represent them and now the same radio stations that I used to create commercials for are going to be playing my commercials! It's an overwhelming positive feeling! I'm truly grateful!

Basquiat: What are some characteristics, professionally, which you think will translate well into your new venture ?

Shari :Networking Networking Networking!! Every single person you meet is important, you never know which connection will catapult you to the next level! Make good judgements - I want to make sure that I am selling my customers great quality at a reasonble price. Have strong negotiation skills- This one has been major! I'm not going to sell my soul, but I understand a price that may work for one customer may not work for another! I definitely know the feeling of just having to have that complete necklace, bracelet and earring set!! So I'm always open to working with my Fabulous Goddesses! Enhance your listening skills- Their are signs everywhere!! My eyes and ears are always open to what is in high demand!! I used to listen to respond now I listen to understand. Huge Difference! Exude personal confidence- August Nectar is about Embracing Your Sweetness! You are a divine, spiritual being, a MASTERPIECE! Love yourself in all of your glory and everything else will follow! You have to always remind yourself that you are equal to the BEST! You're only competition is you yesterday, you're In 1st place. Know It. Love It. Live It! Have a commitment to lifelong learning- I am a student and a teacher. A servant and A Master. I will always want to learn more how I can be better than I was, yesterday!

Basquiat: Your mantra calls for women, and men to embrace their sweetness, how do you coach some of your clients and supporters to do so ?

Shari: I'm working with an amazing spiritual beautiful being, Shirley Paul, who writes inspirational and motivational posts on her blog Belle Fleur! My clients can visit August to peruse the beautiful jewels and be motivated and uplifted with some of her jewels of wisdom! Shirley writes Belle Fleur and she also is the CEO of Its Perfect PR- her and I have collaborated on some of my events, we are working on a catalog and creating a multi platform cross promotional marketing campaign! I sell Mary Kay make up products so customers can also utlize great skin care products regardless of skin type! For the intimate private events that I've held it's really been a peaceful glamorous experience!! We are doing facials, drinking coacktails and trying on jewelry! Winning!!

Also on my social media sites I'm constantly posting positive, empowering and motivational posts!! Well at my last event, I wore a gem in the middle of my forehead, representing my intuitive third eye! It was sooo lovely that I bought gems and each person that came into the venue they chose the shape and color of the gem and it was a very empowering experience! Seriously, I felt my super powers that night more than ever!

Basquiat: You have products for both male and female, what would a man get out of August Nectar ?

Shari: Though Many of the products available at August right now are geared towards women , I do have some men clients! One man is constantly buying his girlfriend presents!! I love it! Him and I share the same birthday so it must be that amazing August power!! He showed me that a man can receive the pleasure of buying his loved ones beautiful thoughtful presents to enhance the way they embrace thier sweetness! My brother Tesfa, is a major inspiration to me! He has cerebral palsy and he is the most incredible person that I know! He's going to start selling mens products- so be on the look out!
Basquiat: Where can items be purchased ?
Basquiat: Aside from online merchandising, you will also have a hand in event coordination correct, tell us a little bit about that ?

Shari: Yes, I was a vendor at a few events this summer! In Albany NY, I've vended at a few Urban Guerilla Theatre events, The Sweet Spot Noire, Women Of Peace, and SUNY Albany's Annual Africa Night event! I'm also going to start planning my own Glam Galas! Darling, stay tuned!! I'm soo excited to see all these beautiful beings dressed to the tens, not even the nines, indulging in August Nectar sweetness!

Basquiat: What kind of person is an august nectar buyer ?

Shari: Incredible! An August Nectar buyer is Royalty! They live a luxurious lifestyle!! I've seen college students wear August Nectar and I've seen a 67 year old woman wear August Nectar and they were both equally Fierce, Fun and Fabulous!
Basquiat: Please let the public know about your social media feeds that can get updates on and stay in tuned with the progress of August Nectar

Shari: Thus far I'm on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter -@ AUGUST NECTAR! Be on the look out soon you'll see me on your tv screens! Stay Tuned! Stay Blessed! Embrace Your Sweetness! Basquiat- it's always a pleasure!! Thank You Thank You Thank You soo much for this incredible experience and opportunity! You are greatly appreciated!

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