"Let's play the blame game: I Love you..."is it me or does it seem like there is much more meaning to that line than for our entertainment. For quite some time I've been having John Legend and Kanye's foray into a dark twisted fantasy embedded in my mind. Could it be that I suffer from that same fantasy. More and more I find myself engulfed in the finger pointing that accompanies disappointment ; and when I say disappointment I speak of that kind that can only come from adverse occurrences incorporated with someone you love
It can be a lover, a friend, a brother- not even mothers or sisters are exempt. You too know the blame game well, the one that normally happens after you yourself realize where you went wrong but instead of stepping up to the plate, you call for a substitute, causing diversions and controversy. I like to call it feast from the famine- the depravity of logic; it takes a mirror that I am reluctant to lock eyes with to reveal to me what I already had known, yet I did my best to brush under the rug of "but you're the one....."; excuse making!
Was it true or not when said that "everything after but is bullshit." I ask because I have unfortunately become well acquainted externally and internally with the BUTs.
This is where the buck stops, the excuses are no longer rendered. Meer accountability has risen. The top feels so much better than the bottom.
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