So much is made of the responsibility that men have to be prolific in the bedroom, that there is no remembrance of the fact that a GREAT act is a 2 person show. As well as the man must apply his A-game, the female must ensure that the goods are indeed GOOD. It is not often that a man will complain, due to the fact that we have become trained to be satisfied with merely being afforded the opportunity to engage. And yes there is nothing more satisfying nor honorary then the admittance. HOWEVER, just like everything else on God's green earth, we need a womans help to make it right.
And yes yes I will probably get some flack for putting it out there like that, but its true in the truest sense, women validate men. ACCEPT IT! But please do understand that it is a give and take, a co-dependency of the greatest caliber.
SEXY is a woman. Controlling at times, submissive at others, never forgetting the treasure that has been bestowed upon her. As a raider of the lost arc myself, I can only be honest about what we are looking for. That being
1. A woman who deserves to be pleasured, because she pleasures
2. A woman who will not settle, because she never gives half-heartedly.
3. A woman who understands that a simple exhale, can be achieved in a solo manner, invorporating her is aimed at heightening the occurence.
For now I will let you marinate on that. If by chance I have described you sister, than hats off, if not- there is work to be done. Own your sexiness, and make us desire, AND WORK FOR IT.
Dr.Phonenix Austin has 8 tips for you:
1.Tell him what to do
2.Let him watch you do it yourself
3.Take Control
4.Talk Dirty
6.Tell him how great he is
7.Play with his nipples
8.share your fantasies
Well ladies there you have it in a nutshell. "want the sex to last, make it a blast" And I do mean that literally.
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