The Mind is a terrible thing to waste, so they say. Want my opinion- They're right. So what do I do with mind- I share it with you; from all angles. I pride myself on being very creative and staying ahead of the trends. By all means I present the essence of CREATIVITY. People who are on the grind, thats motivation. To respect a person, is to respect their hustle.
I introduce to you today HUSTLE...CREATIVITY.... and everything in between...Get in tuned with the M.O.E movement
It all started in the streets of New York, the home of hip hop, the BX to be exact. As a result of two young men, growing up in a bad environment, and be exposed to all the negativity and influences it had to offer. Rather than fall or succumb, these two young man chose to be strong, and make a change with there lives. These young entrepreneurs displayed a gift and passion for music and sought to use it as an outlet.
These brothers have been creating music independently for about 7 years now. They go by the names "Mack Money" and J Whispers. They are known as M O E ( Money Over Everything ).
I sat down with the duo recently....check it out:
What made you choose the name M.O.E -
The reason that we choose M.O.E. is because the only two things that matter to us in life: money and music.
Is there anything that Money doesn't rule over-
No. Thats why the name fits so well
How long have you been rapping? Solo? Together-
J Whispers: I've been rapping for about 10 years now. I really started getting into it my senior year of high school. I have been rapping solo since 2000 and My brother and i linked up in 2005.
What are some projects that you have put out already-
We have put out many different songs and videos that you can check out at youtube.com/MOEPROMO
Where can people find your music-
Check out the website datpiff.com
What would you consider your style to be-
J Whispers: I consider my style to be very unique. It is definately not something that you hear everyday. It's a bit of rap mixed with RNB
How do you approach making a new song-
Mack Money: Well we start off by listening to new beats and if the beat is right I start off with a hook and then we take it from there.
How do u plan on staying relevant in music-
Mack Money: I plan to keep producing music until the day that i die, it is the only thing that I have passion for.
Who are some of your influences-
J Whispers: My influences include Michael Jackson, Luther, and myself.
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