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Thursday, April 14, 2011

A piece of My Mind

I was upholding my daily routine and checking in with Good Day New York, this morning and was taken back by some news which stated that the officer who shot the young man whom was a student at Pace University, was honored by the Union with "Policeman of the Year". If you arent familiar with the story, read up on it here:

Im gonna try and remain as politically correct, or diplomatic as possible as I express my frustration with this matter. How do you priase someone who acted in such a manner, the young man was not armed, nor acting in commission of a crime. Its not bad enough that as always the officers in question were vendicated, but to add insult to injury, they're praised. I heard it said best by Steve Harvey, " Harm a dog, get 2 years in prison, kill a black man go free.' (referencing the Michael Vick case.) What I am left to ask is why? As soon as something happens to another ethnicity or sub-group of Americans, there is an outrage (ie Kobe Bryant being fined 100K for the lipreading.) Now I dont condone offending anyone or not respecting the freedoms outlined in the constitution, what I do mind is the lack of universal reprimand. How many times does it have to happen, before raparations are applied. At thie point in time, the term reparation may not be the ideal term, but I hope you get the gist of my rage.

Could it be our(african americans) lack of protest that leads it to be that we are victimized at such an alarming rate when it comes to these types of matters. Let us do wrong, we will get our 15 minutes. A beat is never missed when it is time to exert or perpetuate public opinion by applying nicknames, and criminal background to any article involving one of ours. I just laugh. But the humor is slowly fading, and another feeling emerging.


  1. I am appalled! I am outraged and disgusted byu the malicious treatments towards my Beautiful Black People! Thank you for being an opinion leader and bringing these issues to the forefront! If we continue to ignore these injustices they will continue to persist!

    We need to Organize!! The time for Justice is Now!!

  2. it's a shame that our boys aren't even safe away at school! i'm sure every mother of a teenage boy feels that if i can just get him through h.s. and off to college that he will be safe. it seems that there is no such thing as a "safe" place these days. My heart goes out to his parents, and all the parents of AA boys who have lost their children to violence, police brutality, gangs, etc. something must be done! we are loosing too many.
