H Squared, the by product of incorporating two styles, that being the production genius of Prince Hood as well as the lyrical prowess of History in the Making. H Squared are High School friends, who originally embarked on their musical journeys individually. Prince Hood went the academic path, honing his skills through stints in engineering and management working with Afro Productions, while History in the Making set out to make a name for himself in the promotion and marketing industry. Both experienced success and built networks that helped them grow as artist. As fate would have it, after years had passed,they joined forces to form the supergroup H2 bringing both their talents/sound to "build a team and a sound that ranks above the status of underground"
Product of Brooklyn genetics, and influenced by the greats such as Shawn Carter, Notorious B.I.G and Busta Rhymes the two have found a way to fuse musical talent, with a hustlers mentality which culminates in business minded individuals with a well rounded approach. From humble intentions, to a product that speaks for itself, H squared has already developed a buzz which has taken them on tour throughout the East Coast opening for Hip Hop acts such as Tone Trump, Grafh and Shyheim.
Through their Swavorland Entertainment imprint, H Squared has begun its Swavordemic campaign, and vows that you will take notice. Having already released 'The Introduction Of' hosted by DJ Don Demarco (Desert Storm) H Squared is in negotiations for bigger and better things that will propel their music to newer heights. H Squared looks forward to finishing and releasing Part I to the 'Swavordemic Mixtape Series' as well as 'The Year Of The Swave'
The Swavordemic wave is something to be apart of and to prove it to you, H Squared sat down with Basquiat
Basquiat: Why the names Prince Hood and History in the making?
PrinceHood: Well my name, Prince Hood, was a name I gave myself in High School. My sisters and the rest of my family named ourselves, "The Royal Fam". We're a conceited, good-looking group so we think highly of ourselves.The girls called themselves Princesses and I, being the only boy, was the Prince. In some interpretations my government name means prince of the world or world ruler. And at that point in my life I would walk around my hood like I owned it. As a matter of fact I would walk around any hood like i owned it So Prince Hood fit well and still does
History: Im glad you asked, I actually went by many nick names. I was Called Floyd, short for Pretty Boy Floyd in my hood for obvious reasons; because of my looks, and my hand skills were up to par as well. Some just called me Pretty Boy, Or Kilo 'cause it sounded a bit like my gov't name. I was called King since I was a toddler, up to now I still get greeted as King by the OG's who knew me as a kid. I used to be called Busta Buss after My Major influence Busta Rhymes 'cause all i did was spit Busta Rhymes songs before I started writing my own. As I got older people would refer like, "Who him?", or "Yea I heard of Him." Ladies would say "Oh yea thats him, I like him".So when I'd Address them I'd say "Yea I'm Him." My motto became, "Nah Im not like these regular dudes Im here to make History, I Am History In The making mark my words". Then I just put two and two together, History In the making. H.I.M. So I guess you can say the name chose me.
When u say "ranks above the status of underground" what do u mean by that?
That means, although we are automatically gonna be considered underground because we aren't well known rap stars, our music is original and unique and could bang in rotation with the mainstream music in todays radio stations. We don't consider our music to be underground. We know there is no mainstream without the underground, and almost every mainstream artist starts out as an underground artist. Its almost like we're stuck in the middle. We are "Underground" artists but our music is "Industry".
How did u incorporate the elements of the environment that u came in, to ur careers and approach to the business of music?
History: Growing up I've always been known as the quiet one from the block, real observant. Paid close attention to what was going on around me, what everyone did pass or fail and learned from it. Then as I got older I got heavy in the nightlife with my M.O.E team not to be confused with Moet, shouts to them though. I started clubbing, throwing and promoting some of the biggest parties that went down at that time, shouts to my C.P.S fam and Paid In Full fam That brought me in. If It was happening I was there and had something to do with it either in front or behind the scenes I was in it. I learned a-lot about promo and consistency. Once you can stay consistent and in peoples ears then they cant help but remember you whether they want to or not.I paid attention to all aspects and it stayed with me as I grew. In this game if you don't PAY attention you WILL end up BROKE. There's always someone trynna come up off of someone else, and if you're not able to see that and benefit from it then your playing to lose. As generic as it may sound Knowledge really is power.
Prince Hood: Every little kid in the hood has a dream, until that dream is deferred by a reality check. I went to a predominantly white elementary school where everyone wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, fireman, etc. My mom, the one that went to school and worked two jobs to make ends meet, wanted us to be doctors and lawyers and naturally we went along with that. In my hood, the kids I hung with wanted to be hustlers, gangsters, rappers. My older brother was a hustler. Who else was I supposed to look up to. Once he got shot and locked up, I no longer wanted to be like him. My mother beat that thought out of me. I wanted to make my momma proud and be a doctor. But as i grew older my priorities changed, of course. While I was away in school I learned the music biz and learned what it takes to make it. I always say the best way to learn is from other peoples mistakes. You sit down, be quiet and observe. I was a sponge. From the way business was done in the hood, watching my mom do what she did, learning in school, grinding with AP, seeing how successful businesses are run first hand, working for Drahma magazine, touring all over the USA, I think I soaked it all up. I got what it takes. And if I don't... I know how to get it.
Hood, what made u decide to leave the whole Afro productions thing alone and come home n hook up wit a childhood friend?
Well I credit everything I learned in my humble beginnings at AP, and Brainstorm, Junebug and Young Steam. I thank street soldiers, Sa Dubb, Phame and all them for allowing me to attempt to manage them. But with time comes growth and everybody started doing there own thing. So its not like I said "The hell with AP." They Still family no matter what, Brainstorm is still a Mentor of mine, but everyone is doing there own thing. When I came back to Brooklyn, the Swave, Gritz said "Yo I want you to link up with this dude Sin. We starting a label or Group called Sin City and I want you to be a part of it cause you know what it takes and we need some beats. Im going get Hi$tory to join too." This was back wen he Went by "Pretty Boy" and they had the big studio at LIU. lol. So I'm down. I get to make some noise in NYC. As time progressed I saw how peoples work ethic and attitude changed and Hi$tory and I would be the only ones in the studio layin down tracks. You could say we had creative differences within the 5 man group. Tension within in the crew got so thick and the animosity towards us grew. Hi$tory and I ended up getting kicked out the group. It was the best thing to happen to us, I think. Soon after we became H Squared. and the rest is Hi$tory Swave.
History, what factors made u realize that Hood was the completion to the movement u were embarking on?
Thats that Swave man, We linked up after High School, after living completely different lives, and on the music tip at that. Then from being part of a previous that went its separate ways when we got Kicked Out lol, We were already grinding getting things done,so now with nothing and no one to hold us back we're able to take it where we know we can take it. We became H Squared, shouts to V Mac for coming up with the name on a whim and it stuck. The rest is me... Get it? Lol.
What are some of the projects u guys have completed already?
We've already completed our initial mixtape, 'The Introduction Of...', Still available in iTunes. That came out last June. We're featured on Duce The Privilage, My Hustle & Flow. We are also featured on Buck Rogers, Idol Light and we are working on songs for a few other projects to release later this year. Still working on Placements for Hoods Beats and stuff. But the biggest project is 'The Year Of The Swave' which drops April 19th. This is Our Swavofficial Street Album. Classic Swave Music.
"Swavorful" what's the meaning behind that?
Well Swavor is a word that combines Swag and flavor. So if you got swavor, you might have more swagger than Mick Jagger. So Swavorful is being full of swag and flavor. Now its all about te "Swave". "Swave" is the charismatic aura that appeals to all sexes. Swave is level's above swag, that radiates from within. It can never be fabricated.
And how does it correlate with the swavordemic and swavorland entertainment?
We are bringing an epidemic of Swave and/or Swavor to the world. We got everybody we come in contact with saying Swave. Women calling themselves "Swavettes" and dudes wanting to be "Swave G's". Its catching on heavy. There are people in the south using the term "Swavor" and calling bad chicks "Swavettes". Niggas on the west are calling each other "Swave G's". There using words we've introduced like "Swavofficial" instead of official,"Swave Down" as a form of disappointment, "True Swave" instead of real talk or true story. We use "Swave" like some people use Mother Fucker. It can be anything you want.
Theres a whole "Swavorcabulary" (Vocabulary Of Swave) That we've created. And it's all part of the "Swavordemic". Swavorland Ent is the institution of Swave and Swavor and 'The Year Of The Swave' is like the first official Volume in the library of congress that teaches the world to how to live the "SwaveLife."
Looking for Swavor? H Squared definitely has you covered. To get intuned with their full lifestyle, check out their catalog:
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'The Year Of The Swave' Album
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