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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Complex that Complexion Can Create

Identity is far more than your name, or the face with which people connect when they think of it. Identity is much deeper. When you think of who you are, what comes to mind? Self Inventory should manufacture a sense of esteem, pride, acceptance, and understanding. To be labeled, is not always complimentary; Know who you are, and do your best to ensure that everyone else does as well.

For quite sometime I've been hearing much to do about the stereotypes if you will, or the disparity in acceptance when dealing with the darker as opposed to fair skinned. That is a divide that has been occuring for many more years than I can remember. The science behind it is poisonous. I have subscribed to the idea that all persons should be judged on their own merit. Your qualities prioritized and your faults assisted.

I understand that the media does not make it easier to conduct yourself on this basis, but I guess the cliche applies here that challenge one to "stand for something rather than fall anything" Embrace your make up and most certainly your skin tone, as IsisAmadeus does:

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